Registered user since Sun 25 Aug 2019
Name:K. Tuncay Tekle
Tuncay Tekle is a research assistant professor at Stony Brook University with a research focus on high-level programming languages and efficient implementations. After completing his Ph.D. thesis on the analysis and efficient implementation of Datalog queries under the supervision of Annie Liu, he has worked at LogicBlox, a company whose state-of-the-art Datalog engine helps solve complex enterprise problems. Apart from his research work, he is a software consultant solving database-centric problems for top retail companies.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Stony Brook University
Personal website: https://www3.cs.stonybrook.edu/~tuncay/
Research interests:Programming Languages, Databases, Logic, Algorithms
Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages
POPL 2020-profile
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