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Graduate Category:

  • 1st. Jinwoo Kim 
(University of Wisconsin-Madison) Proving Unrealizability for Imperative Syntax-Guided Synthesis Problems

  • 2nd. Hrutvik Kanabar
 (University of Kent) Verified efficient libraries for CakeML

  • 3rd. Irene Yoon 
(University of Pennsylvania) Through the Interaction Forest: Modeling Concurrency in Coq with Interaction Trees

Undergraduate Category:

  • 1st. Murad Akhundov
 (University of Toronto) Expediting Verification of Assertions in Loops by Isolation

  • 2nd. Matthew Sotoudeh (University of California, Davis) Bounded Model Checking of Deep Neural Network Controllers

  • 3rd. Ziteng Wang (UC San Diego) Test-based Solution Filtering for Program Synthesis


POPL 2020 will again host an ACM Student Research Competition, where undergraduate and graduate students can present their original research before a panel of judges and conference attendees. This year’s competition will consist of three rounds:

• Extended abstract round: All students are encouraged to submit an extended abstract outlining their research. The submission should be up to three pages using “\documentclass[acmsmall,nonacm]{acmart}”.

• Poster session at POPL 2020: Based on the abstracts, a panel of judges will select the most promising entrants to participate in a poster session which will take place at the conference. Students who make it to this round will be eligible for up to $500 of travel support to attend the conference. In the poster session, students will have the opportunity to present their work to the judges and conference attendees, who will select three finalists in each category (graduate/undergraduate) to advance to the next round.

• POPL presentation: The last round will consist of an oral presentation at POPL to compete for the final awards in each category. This round will also select an overall winner who will advance to the ACM SRC Grand Finals.

Transport of your poster

You will be responsible for transporting your poster to the conference. If this will be a problem, please contact the chairs of the SRC at orilahav@tau.ac.il or niki.vazou@imdea.org.


• The top three graduate and the top three undergraduate winners will receive prizes of $500, $300, and $200, respectively.

• All six winners will receive award medals and an one-year complimentary ACM student membership, including a subscription to ACM’s Digital Library.

• The names of the winners will be posted on the SRC web site.

• The first place winners of the SRC will be invited to participate in the ACM SRC Grand Finals, an on-line round of competitions among the winners of other conference-hosted SRCs.

• Grand Finalists and their advisors will be invited to the Annual ACM Awards Banquet for an all-expenses-paid trip, where they will be recognized for their accomplishments along with other prestigious ACM award winners, including the winner of the Turing Award (also known as the Nobel Prize of Computing).

• The top three Grand Finalists will receive an additional $500, $300, and $200. All Grand Finalists will receive Grand Finalist certificates.

• The ACM, Microsoft Research, and our industrial partners provide financial support for students attending the SRC. You can find more information about this on the SRC website (https://src.acm.org/ ).


The SRC is open to both undergraduate (not in a PhD/master’s program) and graduate students (in a PhD/master’s program). Upon submission, entrants must be enrolled as a student at their universities and be current ACM student members.

Furthermore, there are some constraints on what kind of work may be submitted:

Previously published work: Submissions should consist of original work (not yet accepted for publication). If the work is a continuation of previously published work, the submission should focus on the contribution over what has already been published. We encourage students to see this as an opportunity to get early feedback and exposure for the work they plan to submit to the next POPL.

Collaborative work: Graduate students are encouraged to submit work they have been conducting in collaboration with others, including advisors, internship mentors, or other students. However, graduate submissions are individual, so they must focus on the contributions of the student.

Team submissions: Team projects will be only accepted from undergrads. One person should be designated by the team to make the oral presentation. If a graduate student is part of a group research project and wishes to participate in an SRC, they can submit and present their individual contribution to the group research project.

Wed 22 Jan 2020
Thu 23 Jan 2020
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Wed 22 Jan

Displayed time zone: Saskatchewan, Central America change

16:50 - 19:00
SRC Poster SessionStudent Research Competition at SRC
SRC Poster Session
Student Research Competition

Thu 23 Jan

Displayed time zone: Saskatchewan, Central America change

12:30 - 14:00
Thursday LunchCatering at Lunch Room

14:00 - 15:30
SRC Finalists PresentationsStudent Research Competition at St Jerome
SRC Finalists Presentations
Student Research Competition

15:05 - 15:35
Thursday Afternoon BreakCatering at Break

Unscheduled Events

Not scheduled
Gradual Verification of Recursive Heap Data Structures
Student Research Competition
Jenna DiVincenzo (Wise) Carnegie Mellon University
Not scheduled
Through the Interaction Forest: Modeling Concurrency in Coq with Interaction Trees
Student Research Competition
Irene Yoon University of Pennsylvania
Not scheduled
Proving Unrealizability for Imperative Syntax-Guided Synthesis Problems
Student Research Competition
Jinwoo Kim University of Wisconsin-Madison
Not scheduled
SRC Awards Announcement
Student Research Competition

Not scheduled
Towards efficient, executable abstract machines
Student Research Competition
Brian LaChance Tufts University
Not scheduled
Expediting Verification of Assertions in Loops by Isolation
Student Research Competition
Murad Akhundov University of Toronto
Not scheduled
Towards Fully Abstract Compilation for Esterel
Student Research Competition
Spencer P. Florence Northwestern University, USA
Not scheduled
SRC Presentations
Student Research Competition

Not scheduled
Correctness of compilation of OCaml memory model to Power
Student Research Competition
Egor Namakonov JetBrains Research, St Petersburg University
Not scheduled
Software Evolution with a Typeful Version Control System
Student Research Competition
Luís Carvalho Fac. Ciências e Tecnologias, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Not scheduled
Validating SMT Solvers via Test Fusion
Student Research Competition
Dominik Winterer ETH Zürich
Not scheduled
A Spectrum of Safety for Foreign Function Interfaces
Student Research Competition
Peter Amidon University of California, San Diego
Not scheduled
Shrinking Coq's Trusted Code Base by Transpiling to a Minimal Type Theory
Student Research Competition
Pedro da Costa Abreu Junior Purdue University
Not scheduled
Safe Provenance Based Garbage Collection for C
Student Research Competition
Subarno Banerjee University of Michigan
Not scheduled
Internal Type-Theoretic Complexity Analysis
Student Research Competition
Roland Samuelson Georgia Institute of Technology
Not scheduled
A logic for verifying conditional independence
Student Research Competition
Jialu Bao University of Wisconsin - Madison
Not scheduled
Mechanization of Data Race Freedom guarantee proofs for Weakestmo memory model
Student Research Competition
Ilya Kaysin National Research University Higher School of Economics, JetBrains Research
Not scheduled
Verified efficient libraries for CakeML
Student Research Competition
Hrutvik Kanabar University of Kent
Pre-print File Attached
Not scheduled
Test-based Solution Filtering for Program Synthesis
Student Research Competition
Ziteng Wang University of California, San Diego
Not scheduled
Bounded Model Checking of Deep Neural Network Controllers
Student Research Competition
Matthew Sotoudeh University of California, Davis
Not scheduled
Combinatorial Testing for Algebraic Data Types
Student Research Competition
Harrison Goldstein University of Pennsylvania
Not scheduled
Synthesis from Partial Refinement Types
Student Research Competition
Michael B. James University of California, San Diego
Not scheduled
Rewriting Pure Multiply-Recursive Functions
Student Research Competition
Gabriel Eiseman Georgia Institute of Technology
Not scheduled
Reentrancy? Yes. Reentrancy bug? No.
Student Research Competition
Zhongye Wang Shanghai Jiao Tong University
File Attached
Not scheduled
Quantum Hoare Types
Student Research Competition
Kartik Singhal University of Chicago
Media Attached

Accepted Papers

A logic for verifying conditional independence
Student Research Competition
A Spectrum of Safety for Foreign Function Interfaces
Student Research Competition
Bounded Model Checking of Deep Neural Network Controllers
Student Research Competition
Combinatorial Testing for Algebraic Data Types
Student Research Competition
Correctness of compilation of OCaml memory model to Power
Student Research Competition
Expediting Verification of Assertions in Loops by Isolation
Student Research Competition
Gradual Verification of Recursive Heap Data Structures
Student Research Competition
Internal Type-Theoretic Complexity Analysis
Student Research Competition
Mechanization of Data Race Freedom guarantee proofs for Weakestmo memory model
Student Research Competition
Proving Unrealizability for Imperative Syntax-Guided Synthesis Problems
Student Research Competition
Quantum Hoare Types
Student Research Competition
Media Attached
Reentrancy? Yes. Reentrancy bug? No.
Student Research Competition
File Attached
Rewriting Pure Multiply-Recursive Functions
Student Research Competition
Safe Provenance Based Garbage Collection for C
Student Research Competition
Shrinking Coq's Trusted Code Base by Transpiling to a Minimal Type Theory
Student Research Competition
Software Evolution with a Typeful Version Control System
Student Research Competition
Synthesis from Partial Refinement Types
Student Research Competition
Test-based Solution Filtering for Program Synthesis
Student Research Competition
Through the Interaction Forest: Modeling Concurrency in Coq with Interaction Trees
Student Research Competition
Towards efficient, executable abstract machines
Student Research Competition
Towards Fully Abstract Compilation for Esterel
Student Research Competition
Validating SMT Solvers via Test Fusion
Student Research Competition
Verified efficient libraries for CakeML
Student Research Competition
Pre-print File Attached

Poster Information

The poster boards will take posters 36 x 48 in portrait style.

For those wishing to print onsite:

DocuMart is 0.4mi / 7 mins from the hotel:

Call for Submissions

POPL invites students to participate in the Student Research Competition in order to present their research and get feedback from prominent members of the programming language research community. Please submit your extended abstracts through hotcrp.

Each submission (referred to as “abstract” below) should include the student author’s name and e-mail address; institutional affiliation; research advisor’s name; ACM student member number; category (undergraduate or graduate); research title; and an extended abstract addressing the following:

  • Problem and Motivation: Clearly state the problem being addressed and explain the reasons for seeking a solution to this problem.

  • Background and Related Work: Describe the specialized (but pertinent) background necessary to appreciate the work in the context of POPL areas of interest. Include references to the literature where appropriate, and briefly explain where your work departs from that done by others. Approach and Uniqueness: Describe your approach in addressing the problem and clearly state how your approach is novel.

  • Results and Contributions: Clearly show how the results of your work contribute to programming language design and implementation in particular and to computer science in general; explain the significance of those results.

Submissions must be original research that is not already published at POPL or another conference or journal. One of the goals of the SRC is to give students feedback on ongoing, unpublished work. Furthermore, the abstract must be authored solely by the student. If the work is collaborative with others and/or part of a larger group project, the abstract should make clear what the student’s role was and should focus on that portion of the work.

The extended abstract should be up to three pages using ‘\documentclass[acmsmall,nonacm]{acmart}’. Reference lists do not count towards the three page limit.
