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Mon 20 Jan 2020 16:50 - 17:12 at Maurepas - Homotopy Type Theory and PC chairs' report Chair(s): Floris van Doorn

Homotopy type theory is an extension of type theory that enables synthetic reasoning about spaces and homotopy theory. This has led to elegant computer formalizations of multiple classical results from homotopy theory. However, many proofs are still surprisingly complicated to formalize. One reason for this is the axiomatic treatment of univalence and higher inductive types which complicates synthetic reasoning as many intermediate steps, that could hold simply by computation, require explicit arguments. Cubical type theory offers a solution to this in the form of a new type theory with native support for both univalence and higher inductive types. In this paper we show how the recent cubical extension of Agda can be used to formalize some of the major results of homotopy type theory in a direct and elegant manner.

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Mon 20 Jan

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16:50 - 17:56
Homotopy Type Theory and PC chairs' reportCPP at Maurepas
Chair(s): Floris van Doorn University of Pittsburgh
Cubical Synthetic Homotopy Theory
Anders Mörtberg Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University, Loïc Pujet Gallinette Project-Team, Inria
DOI Pre-print Media Attached File Attached
Three equivalent ordinal notation systems in Cubical Agda
Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg University of Strathclyde, Chuangjie Xu Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Neil Ghani University of Strathclyde
DOI Pre-print Media Attached File Attached
PC Chairs' report
Jasmin Blanchette Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Cătălin Hriţcu Inria Paris
DOI Media Attached File Attached