POPL 2020
Program of POPL 2020 and Co-located Events
POPL 2020 Accepted Papers
- Distinguished Papers
- To download (the definitive and open access version of) a POPL paper, click “Link to publication” under the paper’s title and authors.
- Videos of POPL 2020 talks (hosted on YouTube) are available on their event page, where slides and other supplementary material may also be available. To get to a talk’s event page, click “File Attached” or “Media Attached” under the talk’s title and authors.
Welcome to the website of the 47th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2020).
The annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages is a forum for the discussion of all aspects of programming languages and programming systems. Both theoretical and experimental papers are welcome, on topics ranging from formal frameworks to experience reports. We seek submissions that make principled, enduring contributions to the theory, design, understanding, implementation or application of programming languages.
The symposium is sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, in cooperation with ACM SIGACT and ACM SIGLOG.
POPL 2020 and its co-located events took place in New Orleans, USA, January 19–25, 2020.
Schedule Overview

[T6] Verifying Probabilistic Properties with Couplings
Justin Hsu

[T7] Programming and Reasoning with Kleene Algebra with Tests
Nate Foster, Dexter Kozen, Alexandra Silva

[T4] Proving Semantic Type Soundness in Iris
Derek Dreyer, Robbert Krebbers, Amin Timany

[T1] Building Program Reasoning Tools using LLVM and Z3
Elizabeth Dinella, Pardis Pashakhanloo, Anthony Canino, Mayur Naik

[T5] Stateless Model Checking Algorithms and Tools for Strong and Weak Memory Models
Konstantinos (Kostis) Sagonas

[T3] Synthesizing Programs from Types
Nadia Polikarpova